Commercial Litigation

Nick Gall contribute the Hong Kong chapter of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Enforcement of Foreign Judgments 2018

This article first appeared in the 3rd edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Enforcement of Foreign Judgments 2018 published by Global Legal Group Ltd. The guide provides a practical insight to cross-border Enforcement of Foreign Judgments laws and regulations. It enables readers to navigate, understand and cross-reference laws and regulations in different jurisdictions around the world.

Nick Gall and Lydia Mak contribute the Hong Kong chapter of Litigation: Enforcement of Foreign Judgments published by Lexology Navigator

With cross-border litigation on the rise, recognition and enforcement of judgments rendered by foreign courts takes on increasing significance. Nick Gall and Lydia Mak present a structured guide to the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements in Hong Kong:

Article: Recognition and Enforcement of a Mainland Judgment in Hong Kong: First Reported Decision

In the recent case of Chan Sang v Chan Kwok & Ors [2016] HKCU 401 (“Chan Sang v Chan Kwok”), Master Harold Leong held that a Mainland judgment is final and enforceable where a certificate has been issued by the original court to that effect. This is the first reported decision of the Hong Kong courts under the Mainland Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance (Cap. 597) (the “Ordinance”). The decision affirms the Hong Kong Courts approach to uphold, rather than set aside, judgments issued in the Mainland.