Executive Partner Chris Wong will speak on a panel on AML/CFT Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management by Law Firms in the Digital Age at TechLaw.Fest 2021’s event on 22nd September 2021.
The panel will explore the issues faced by law firms in managing their AML/CFT risks and compliance obligations. Are there unique challenges associated with scale? Are current tools and approaches sufficient? What opportunities exist for the legal sector to adopt right-sized solutions in managing compliance obligations? Speakers will examine the global and local perspectives and identify best practices and legal tech solutions. Might some form of “cooperation” be the answer for smaller law firms?
Moderator: Mr Stephen Revell, Consultant, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
· Ms Joy Tan, Joint Head of the Corporate Governance & Compliance and the Financial Services Regulatory Practices, WongPartnership LLP
· Mr David Cass, Vice President – Cyber & IT Risk at Federal Reserve Bank of New York Supervision Group
· Ms Radish Singh, Partner, Deloitte & Touche Financial Advisory Services
· Ms Loretta Yuen, General Counsel, Head of Group Legal and Regulatory Compliance, OCBC Bank
· Mr Chris Wong, Executive Partner, Gall
· Mr Lim Seng Siew, Director, OTP Law Corporation