不久前的2018年3月,在一份提请初级审判的讼费裁定中,针对“中国金属再生资源(控股)有限公司诉 Chun Hei Man [2018] HKEC 676”一案,原讼法庭(简称“CFI”)研判了在讼费听审程序已经完成之后,是否可以基于上诉庭(简称“CA”)所做判决中的事实或审理结果,根据《高等法院条例》第52A条和《高等法院规则》 62号令第 2(4)条的规定进行处理。
《2018年IR全球实践系列 - 诉讼融资:商业与金融纠纷的处理》付梓的目的是为了帮助各家律师行及其客户了解各司法管辖区的金融或证券纠纷的费用及其对应的融资结构。论述中汇集了七个国家多位纠纷解决专家的专业知识,这些国家都存在第三方融资。专家们探讨了诉讼费用的组成,评议了各司法管辖区的诉讼融资规则,打破了索赔和费用担保的限制,最后还审视了仲裁协议的规则。
高嘉力和 Ashima Sood 在最新版《Getting The Deal Through》中分析香港的法律法规,冻结和遣返欺诈和腐败所得收入:2018 年资产追踪。
《香港法院:在原则上和实践中支持仲裁》众所周知,香港法院对仲裁和执行采取积极支持态度,这是巩固香港作为极具吸引力的商业纠纷解决之地这一地位的关键。由于市场经济快速增长以及跨境交易数量激增,全球各地的仲裁用户要求建立一个健全的监管框架以及支持仲裁的司法环境。香港无论在原则上还是实践中都成功迎合了这些要求。这篇文章考虑了:在最近的 U v A [HCCT 34/2016] 判决背景下,香港法院支持执行的态度。
此文首次发表在《国际法律对比指南:企业复苏及破产》第11期;由伦敦 Global Legal Group 出版。https://iclg.com/practice-areas/corporate-recovery-and-insolvency/corporate-recovery-and-insolvency-2017/hong-kong
Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. Getting the Deal Through: Asset Recovery 2017, (published in September 2016; contributing editors: Jonathan Tickner, Sarah Gabriel and Hannah Laming, Peters & Peters Solicitors LLP) For further information please visit
The Dispute Resolution Global Guide provides practical analysis of topical cross-border issues and country-specific Q&A guides on dispute resolution law and practice worldwide. The Q&A guide aims to give a structured overview of the key practical issues including, for example, court procedures, fees and funding, interim remedies (including attachment orders), disclosure, expert evidence, appeals, class actions, enforcement of judgments, cross-border issues and the use of ADR.
Practical Law’s Arbitration Global Guide provides practical analysis of topical cross-border issues and country-specific Q&A guides on arbitration law and practice worldwide. The Q&A guide aims to give a structured overview of the key practical issues including, for example, any mandatory provisions and default rules applicable under local law, confidentiality, local courts' willingness to assist arbitration, enforcement of awards and the available remedies, both final and interim.
此文首次发表在《国际法律对比指南:企业复苏及破产》第10期;由伦敦 Global Legal Group 出版。