There has been a dramatic increase in wire fraud scams globally. Here is a simple, practical guide on how to recover lost funds diverted to HK and some tips on how to prevent wire fraud.
Wire fraud, including email, scams have been on the rise recently. Fraudsters are getting craftier in adopting new and emerging deceitful tactics. Businesses and individuals are increasingly falling for fraudulent emails and calls and as a result struggle to find effective and workable measures to protect and recover their misappropriated funds.
新冠肺炎疫情下的骗局 – 受骗后该如何应对
自新冠肺炎爆发后,全球对个人保护装备(下称「PPE」)例如呼吸器、手术用口罩、手套和面罩等等的需求急剧暴增。遗憾的是,不良商户不会错过利用公众恐惧和忧虑而谋利的机会。在这个困难的时刻,全球的PPE骗案持续上升。在香港,香港警方于今年一月至三月接获逾1,600宗网上购买口罩骗案,涉及超过3000名受害者和公司,涉款共4820万元。亦有报导指,过去数月在美国揭发的口罩诈骗案牵涉总额高达7亿 99 千万美元,类似的数据也能在欧洲观察到。