香港国际仲裁中心(“HKIAC”)最近公布了两份更新的仲裁成本执行指引,已于2016年6月1日生效,以补充 2013年HKIAC 行政仲裁规则(“规则”)中关于成本的规定。
In the recent case of Chan Sang v Chan Kwok & Ors [2016] HKCU 401 (“Chan Sang v Chan Kwok”), Master Harold Leong held that a Mainland judgment is final and enforceable where a certificate has been issued by the original court to that effect.
This is the first reported decision of the Hong Kong courts under the Mainland Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance (Cap. 597) (the “Ordinance”).
The decision affirms the Hong Kong Courts approach to uphold, rather than set aside, judgments issued in the Mainland.
In a judgment delivered on 4 March 2016 the Hong Kong CFI has ruled that the court need only be satisfied on a prima facie basis that a valid arbitration agreement applies, in order to stay court proceedings. The case in question is Bluegold Investment Holdings Limited v Kwan Chun Fun Calvin [HCA 1492/2015].The decision confirms Hong Kong’s position as an attractive seat for international arbitration and highlights the importance of ensuring consistency across suites of documents.
香港国际仲裁中心(“HKIAC”)于今日发布了一项合并仲裁的应用指导,以补充包含在2013年 HKIAC 有管理的仲裁规则(简称“规则”)中的合并政权。
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