
Nick Gall and Ashima Sood contribute the Hong Kong section of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Corporate Recovery & Insolvency 2017 Edition

27 Jun 2017

This article first appeared in the 11th edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Corporate Recovery & Insolvency; published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London. CORPORATE RECOVERY AND INSOLVENCY 2017 View PDF   [collapsibles] [collapse title=”Overview” active=”false”] 1.1 Where would you place your jurisdiction on the spectrum of debtor to creditor-friendly jurisdictions? Hong

Article: First CIETAC HK award enforced in mainland China

14 Mar 2017

On 13 December 2016, the Nanjing Intermediate People’s Court of Jiangsu Province enforced an arbitral award made by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Hong Kong Arbitration Center (“CIETAC HK”), making it the first CIETAC HK award to be enforced in mainland China. The underlying arbitration proceedings in Hong Kong were commenced by

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