Nick Gall and Ashima Sood have contributed the Hong Kong chapter for the 2022 International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG) to Competition Litigation. The chapter covers common issues in competition litigation law and regulations in Hong Kong, including interim remedies, final remedies, evidence, justification/defences, timing, settlement, costs, appeal, leniency and anticipated reforms. Click here to read
A Guide to Dispute Resolution Clauses – Hong Kong Overview
What is a “dispute resolution clause” and why is it important? “Where should the dispute be determined?” – this is a question which has a significant impact on each and every step in resolving a dispute but is often overlooked. Formulating a dispute resolution clause is one of the ways to manage the risks
Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Asia – Collaboration with DFDL
Of Counsel Felda Yeung has contributed the Hong Kong chapter to this Q&A publication with DFDL which aims to shed light on the practical issues surrounding the enforceability of arbitral awards in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, the Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. Click here to download the full publication. Turn to p9-12 for the Hong Kong
Gall Advises on Ongoing Restructuring of Luckin Coffee Inc
Gall is working together with Carey Olsen and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan to advise an Ad Hoc Group of bondholders (“AHG”) in relation to an offshore scheme of arrangement in the ongoing restructuring of Luckin Coffee Inc (“Luckin Coffee”) in Cayman. AHG members hold the majority of the US$460 million convertible senior notes that Luckin Coffee
Working from Home (WFH)
Employees working from home (WFH) for certain periods of time has become a common reality. Here are three things you may not have known about WFH: In Hong Kong, there is no statutory right to work from home so contractual arrangements and WFH policies are important WFH is increasingly an incentive and expectation for potential