Nick Gall named a Leading Lawyer in The Doyle’s Guide to Leading White Collar Crime, Corporate Crime & Regulatory Investigations Lawyer Rankings – Hong Kong, 2019

Nick Gall has been named a Leading Lawyer in The Doyle’s Guide to Leading White Collar Crime & Regulatory Investigations Lawyer Rankings – Hong Kong, 2019. Nick and the firm have also been recommended in the 2019 listing of Leading Hong Kong Criminal Lawyers and Law Firms 2019.

The 2019 listing of leading Hong Kong White Collar Crime, Corporate Crime & Regulatory Investigations Lawyers details solicitors practising in white collar crime, corporate crime and investigations by regulatory bodies within the Hong Kong market who have been identified by Hong Kong’s lawyers and barristers for their expertise and abilities in these areas.

Details of the 2019 rankings can be found here:

For more information on Gall’s white collar crime and regulatory investigations practice please contact Nick Gall +852 3405 7688