Chris Wong

Gall ranked in Asialaw Profiles 2017

Asialaw have published Asialaw Profiles 2017, their guide to the best domestic and regional law firms in the Asia-Pacific area. In the Hong Kong domestic firm category, Gall was “Highly Recommended” in our core practice areas of dispute resolution, employment and insolvency.In the individual lawyer categories, Nick Gall was named as a Market Leading Lawyer, Brooke Holden and Chris Wong were named as a Rising Star Lawyer.

Gall wins “Disputes Boutique of the Year” and “Best in Labour and Employment” at the second annual Asialaw Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution Awards 2016

We are delighted to announce that for the second year in a row Gall has won the awards for “Disputes Boutique of the Year” and “best in Labour and Employment” at the annual Asialaw Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution Awards 2016. The awards ceremony, which took place in Hong Kong on September 27, celebrated the foremost leaders in 12 practice areas across 14 jurisdictions around the region.

Dispute Resolution Newsletter – December 2015

Court of Final Appeal - Winding Up Foreign Companies in Hong KongOn 11 November 2015, the Court of Final Appeal (the “CFA”) handed down its decision ending the 8-year family feud between members of the second-generation owners of the much-loved Yung Kee restaurant. The CFA ruled that Yung Kee Holdings Limited (the “Company”), be wound up, but gave the parties 28 days within which to discuss a share buy-out. The decision has attracted the close attention of both Hong Kong’s legal community and fans of the iconic family restaurant as it represents a landmark determination on principles concerning the Hong Kong Courts’ jurisdiction to wind up foreign companies.